I Speak Boutique™
Grow Your Business Like a Boss Babe

Run Your Business like a Boss Babe

Posts tagged business
$10,000 mistakes almost all business owners make, and how YOU can AVOID!

That means the businesses where out thousands of dollars each and every month and there was no income coming in to off-set the finances.

So yes, location matters, and so does short term leases!

In our book, I Speak Boutique Run Your Business Like a Boss Babe, we work through a lot of the problems that small business owners face. We help you determine your perfect customer and how to reach her. We talk about what to ask during interviews to help you find the perfect Brand Ambassadors. We work through industry common terms and help you relate it back to your business. And most importantly, we give you the tools and guidance you need to get your business growing and thriving! Buy the Book

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Learn How to Finish 2022 Strong

Business Class: Finish 2022 Strong! Make sure your business is ready to maximize sales

With 11 weeks left in 2022, you need to know where to focus your time and attention so your business can make the most sales! Join us, and fellow business owners, to create a plan for your business. You’ll walk away from the class with information on what works and why it works. You’ll walk away from the class knowing how to drive sales for the remaining 12 months. You’ll know how to keep your sales team happy and your business organized.

This will be an informal chat where we all talk, share and plan together. The conversation is guided by our Retail Expert, Brooke Santos, who is has a 30 year career in retail and business development. The lessons can be used wether you have been in business for a long time, or if you’re just starting out. As long as you have a service, or a product you sell, this will be extremely helpful for you.

Bring your notebook and a smile! Chat will be at the Pop Up Shop Galleria, inside the Houston Galleria Mall, next to Nordstrom. This allows us to see examples of fellow Boss Babes who are making it happen for their businesses.

We promise you will walk away with the knowledge you need to drive your business!

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