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Run Your Business like a Boss Babe

100 Million Users is why we do this one thing

Pinterest is a social media platform that allows users to discover, collect, and share visual content such as images and videos. Pinterest has over 400 million active users worldwide, and its user base is diverse in terms of age, gender, and interests. Here are some general trends about the types of users who use Pinterest:

  1. Gender: Pinterest's user base skews heavily towards women, with around 70% of users identifying as female. However, the platform has been making efforts to appeal to male users in recent years.

  2. Age: Pinterest users span a wide range of age groups, but the majority of users are between the ages of 18 and 49. However, there are also many users who are over the age of 50.

  3. Interests: Pinterest users are interested in a wide range of topics, including fashion, food, home decor, travel, and DIY projects. The platform allows users to search for and save content on these topics, making it a popular platform for inspiration and idea sharing.

  4. Geography: Pinterest has a global user base, with users from all over the world. However, the platform is particularly popular in the United States, where around 100 million users are located.

Overall, Pinterest is a platform that appeals to a wide range of users, particularly those who are interested in visual content and finding inspiration for their hobbies and interests. Be sure you also use Pinterest in your social media strategy of how you are telling the world about your brand!

And if you are looking for more tips on how to grow your business, then check us out at www.ispeakboutique.com or @ispeakboutique