I Speak Boutique™
Grow Your Business Like a Boss Babe

Run Your Business like a Boss Babe

Books every Boss Babe must read

Women Boutique Owners Must Read these 7 Books

Every Business Owner can, and should, learn from others. The saying “don’t reinvent the wheel” is basically saying if someone has done the hard work, then learn from them and then build on top of their knowledge.

Millions of people have started businesses and according to the Small Business Association, 20% fail within the first year and of those that survive their first year, well, almost 50% fail by year five! To me, that means there’s a lot of lessons out there that I can learn from and build upon.

Here are a few great books that have helped me along the way.

Good to Great by Jim Collins

#GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso

In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney

Crucial Conversations by Joseph Grenny

Where Women Create by Jo Packham

One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey by Kenneth Blanchard

And of course I include my own book, I Speak Boutique Run Your Business Like a Boss Babe. Available at BN.com/ISpeakBoutique This book was written for women who own a boutique, or for women who want to own a boutique. We walk through defining your perfect customer, how to hire the right people, understanding when to expand, dealing with your finances and we even have specific tasks to do each month to help you drive sales. We chat with dozens of fellow Boss Babes and they share their journeys and lessons.

No matter what books you choose to read, just remember that you can learn from others and it will shorten your learning curve so you can get your business thriving!